Volunteer opportunities...
If you have free time, consider volunteering at the Niagara Warehouse of Hope. Volunteers meet at the warehouse on Tuesday and Thursday mornings when there are many activities to help with: sewing, crocheting, sorting clothes, school supplies, household items, picking up, sorting & storing medical and assistive equipment, assessing and reformatting computer equipment, and more. Skills are a bonus, but certainly not required - there is something for everyone to help with.
If you are unable to come to the warehouse you can help in many other ways as well. There are many sewing, knitting and crochet projects that people work on at home. Some volunteers only come to help at our Garage Sale - helping to set up, work during, or bringing in baked goods for the bake table. All contributions are greatly appreciated.
" Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." (Margaret Read)